Optical Character Recognition

Paperless Imaging Services has been directly involved in the utilization of optical character recognition for over 20 years to produce keyword searchable documents.

While accuracy levels for OCR can typically reach 99%, a 1% margin of error or lack of data in 100,000 pages results in as many as 1000 pages being overlooked. Paperless considers this level of performance as totally inadequate for professionals involved in high-stakes litigation. As such, Paperless has developed over the past five years a system of OCR using multiple recognition engines, intelligent character recognition and final quality assurance by staff that enables us to deliver a remarkable 99.99% accuracy. The possibility of overlooking valuable information is virtually eliminated.

Paperless can provide you with searchable text, whether it is black and white, grayscale or color. Paperless also provides the ability to capture handwriting, markups and edits. Prices vary according to your needs.